Anne de Paula | Joel Embiid’s Girlfriend

Combined Net Worth: Estimated $49 Million

A career as an athlete was already a life Joel Embiid aimed for during his childhood. At first, he wanted to become a pro volleyball player. However, by the time he was 15, he had found another passion and shifted his focus to basketball. With NBA Hall-of-Famer Hakeem Olajuwon as one of his inspirations, Joel eventually made his way to the big leagues.

Along with his friends and family, Joel also has his girlfriend Anne de Paula there by his side. The model and the Philadelphia 76ers player first met in 2018 thanks to a mutual friend. Since then, the two have developed a strong bond. Along with sharing many common interests, one of which is to start a family, the two also deserve credit for being very supportive. With that said, two years later, in 2020, the couple finally welcomed their first child, a baby boy named Arthur.
