Peanut Butter – Don’t Buy

In the A.M., right after getting out of bed and going to the kitchen, what is the first thing you usually reach out for after toasting some bread? Isn’t it the peanut butter? Yes! The American staple peanut butter and jelly are so mainstream that it is already present in the DNA of every citizen in the US. Did you know that it is not worth it to drop some severe investment money for it at supermarkets, especially Walmart?

The reason is that Walmart usually sells it at a higher price than most. You can try other stores or even have them delivered to you for a lower price. You know what, you can even make one your own with a food processor. The taste would be so much more excellent, silkier, and smoother. Plus, it would be a great activity with the kids too. Involving them in the kitchen is a good idea.
