The Importance of Diet in Weight Loss

In an era where health is given more attention than before, it goes without saying that people have been more aware of the effects brought about by the food we eat.

The human body is an efficient machine. It is made up of an orchestra of cells that have certain roles to play. Our eyes have cells that can translate light into signals that can be recognized by the brain. The skin is sprawling with cells that can detect different degrees of pressure. Certain vibrations caused by sounds can be recognized by the complex cells that line the ears. It is also worth noting that our intestines are made up of cells that can churn different macromolecules, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, that are needed by the multitude of cells in our body that perform specific functions.

When fed with just the right amount of nutrients, our bodies function at their most optimal. It is always best to avoid processed food and rely on real, unprocessed food.

Vegan Diet

The vegan diet focuses mainly on plant-based food; it is the highest form of vegetarianism. Strictly adhering to this form of diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and subsequently, premature death. This type of diet is effective in weight loss because of its low-calorie count and high fiber content (which can give one a sense of feeling full for a longer period of time).

However, because the diet eliminates animal sources completely, several nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, iodine, iron, calcium, and zinc might be-low.

Low-Carb Diet

Due to the simple nature of the composition of carbohydrates, they are easily digested by the body and are primary sources of fuel for the cells. The goal of this type of diet is to starve the body of carbohydrates and trick it into using fats as the main source of energy (fats are stored excess carbohydrates). This type of diet is advantageous for people who are overweight; organs that are layered with belly fat become primary sources of energy. On the downside, this type of diet does not suit everyone and can have negative effects in the long run.


This type of diet is mainly defined by high protein and low carbohydrate intake. The Dukan diet is split into four phases: two weight loss phases and two maintenance phases.

The weight loss phase is carried out by having a high intake of high protein food and bran. This allows maximal macromolecule intake and lesser carbohydrates (which means more weight loss). The maintenance phase involves a diet of non-starchy vegetables and a minimum amount of carbs and fats. However, this type of diet helps the body become efficient in conserving energy which, in turn, makes it easier for the body to regain weight faster.

The Zone Diet

The Zone is a type of diet that involves consuming carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. This refers to the approximate amount of the increase in blood glucose after the consumption of food. This type of diet involves ⅓ protein intake, ⅔ fruits and vegetables, and a small amount of fat. The Zone diet is developed to reduce inflammation, induce weight loss, and reduce the probability of acquiring chronic diseases.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is perhaps the best way to go. Instead of restricting food intake, it focuses on the time you eat them. Hence, it can be referred to as an eating pattern rather than a diet. One of the most common ways of this type of fasting is the 16/8 method: it involves skipping breakfast and eating within the next 8-hour period. The remaining 16 hours are allotted for fasting.
